Sunday, April 29, 2012

Talisman 4th Edition

Talisman - 4th Edition

I had played a lot of Talisman in college and had always enjoyed the game. I had never owned a copy however, and always played with a couple friends that had the game and all of the expansions. I went many years after college not playing Talisman, but recently saw the game at the local gaming store and picked up a copy. The copy I purchased was the 4th edition (not revised). Me and some friends sat down a while back and played Talisman again for the first time in many years. We had a great time! Talisman (for those that haven't played) is a very simple game mechanically. Basically it's a roll the dice, move, draw and random card type of game. It's a great, simple game to introduce non-gamer friends to the hobby of table-top gaming. The game has a lot of replay value due to the randomness of the event cards. These cards summon monsters, grant weapons , and generally spice up the game with followers, curses, etc. I would say that the only drawback to Talisman is that it usually results a long game that is difficult to win. In our game we ran out of time but declared a winner who was well ahead of us all on the last turn. - Cory

One of my favorite characters - the Elf! I didn't do to well with the trusty elf in my return to Talisman.

A picture of the game board with some characters on it. I think I took this picture while we were cleaning up the game.
I am definitely going to buy some of the expansions now! Any suggestions?

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