Friday, November 25, 2011

and so the adventure begins.....

So the AD&D campaign is under way.. here is the party in marching order:  "Maul" a 1st level 1/2 orc thief, "Brylan",
a 2nd level 1/2 elf cleric (NPC), and "Kanabad", a 1st level Barbarian. They have some hired men-at-arms marching with them and are headed to "The Caverns of Chaos" as part of the "Keep on the Borderlands" module. I really like "The Keep" as a great low level, dungeon crawl adventure for new players. There is enough content in B2 to keep the players going until level 4 or so. I'll be spicing things up a little bit with my own material as well, and then who knows where the party will head....?

The party sets out.....

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a good start to a great adventure! We'll see how the party fares...
