Wednesday, May 16, 2012

About Me

I have been gaming since elementary school. I started with toy soldiers, then discovered AD&D (also Traveller, Tunnnels & Trolls, Gamma World, Boot Hill,.... etc), then moved to sci-fi miniatures (WH40K), fantasy miniatures (Warhammer, LOTR, Warmaster) and historical miniatures. I also enjoy boardgames like Talisman, Settlers of Catan, Descent, etc., computer gaming (WOW, Diablo 3), and  just about anything I can have fun with!

The name "Magen Fellow's Keep" comes from my favorite AD&D character, "Magen Fellow", a gnome fighter/illusionist. He's the one I took on all the classic adventures....

This is where I post pictures and thoughts on my sci-fi and fantasy games. My historical miniatures blog is located at

Please feel free to have a look around Magen Fellow's Keep and I hope you'll  leave comments! If you like what you see, please click on an ad or two! Thanks and good gaming!

Take care - Cory

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