Thursday, October 27, 2011

An old AD&D DM's screen with a few minatures I recently painted. This was the view players had of me back in the 80's when
I played a lot of AD&D! I left the game for a many years, but never left my passion for fantasy behind. Now that I'm middle-aged, I'm on my own personal "mid life crisis" quest to get back in touch with my D&D roots. I have started by playing new games with my kids, and a friend of mine and his kids.
Welcome to Magen Fellow's Keep!

I started gaming AD&D back in the 80's when I was in 5th grade. My first character was a druid, and
they are still one of my favorite classes. My kids are getting old enough to play D&D (they are in elementary school) and I thought it might be fun to get out the old books and start a campaign. Here is what we've done so far:

* They have rolled up a human barbarian, and a half-orc thief. I have a 1/2 elf NPC cleric helping them. My friend Chris, and his kids haven't rolled up characters yet, but if they decide to join us I think we'll need
a magic-user in the group, a fighter, and I'd love to see a druid, ranger or bard.

* We are using the old AD&D Player' handbook, DM guide. Monster Manual and Unearthed Arcana....that's it. I'm keeping in old school!

* I have a lot of old modules, but I wanted to start my campaign off the way I the classic Keep on the Borderlands. I was able to get this module off eBay for about $6 plus shipping. The campaign is going to start as the adventurers head to the Keep.

* We have played one short introductory game. The Barbarian and the 1/2 orc were headed to the keep and ran into a group of goblins along the way. We were able to practice some combat rounds, and the adventurers won, killing about 6 goblins in the process and freeing their captive - my NPC 1/2 elf cleric!

* There will be more posts and pictures coming about my past, present and future AD&D adventures. Stay posted and feel free to comment!

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