Friday, June 27, 2014

Great looking 28mm witches!

These were painted by a blogger friend of mine, Michael Awdry! What great looking 28mm witches. I guess I will have to search eBay for them now! His blog is fantastic - make sure to check it out!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I was a 6th grade miniatures maniac!

I haven't posted in a while. I have been focusing on a lot of other projects, but I'm going to refocus my energy and keep blogging! I will mainly be writing about  my AD&D 1st edition kids / neighbors campaign, and pictures of the fantasy miniatures that I've been painting.

Here is an article I wrote for Cigar Box Battle - I hope you will enjoy it!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Warmaster Elves - another unit to add to my army

Warmaster Elven Bolt Thrower
These are hot off the painting table! I didn't want to
tackle any large units over the Holidays, so I focused
on smaller pieces like these bolt throwers and an
elven general (a future post!). These will make a
great addition to my elven army.

Warmaster Elven Repeating Bolt Throwers in action! !


These guys are ready to put down some supporting fire!

The detail on these 10mm figures is very good and they were a joy to paint!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Warmaster High Elves

Warmaster High Elves
I recently was inspired to paint some more units for my Games Workshop
10mm Warmaster High Elf army. My friend Chris has painted a few other armies
and it's time for a new opponent! Here are some pics:
Two units of chariots and a hero mounted on a dragon.
I painted the chariots with just a driver and bowman as this seems
to me the way an elven chariot would fight.

The elven host marches to war! This is what I
have painted so far. I have a bunch of spear
units left to paint and a few other odds and ends.

Another angle of the army. I want to get them to
at least 1000 points soon.

Friday, September 14, 2012



These are two wizards I painted a while ago. They are 28mm figures from Mark Copplestone.
I really like the detail and they painted up nicely. Here's a few pics:

Warlock or Necromancer?

A "Gandalf" type battling a Warlock

The Duel

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dixon 25mm Fantasy Figure

Dixon 25mm Fantasy

This is an old Dixon Fantasy figure that I painted last week. I like 
the "old school" fanasty look it has....,because it is an "old school"
figure! I don't remember the item code, but it is a very interesting mounted
"magic-using" type character. His lack of armor and fancy equipment, natural look, and skulls
put him into the shamanistic realm I think. He does have a huge
two handed sword on his back. I'm going to use him as an
evil or chaotic neutral type bad guy with a combination of druidic &
shamanistic abilities. Looks like a human or 1/2 elf. What do you think?

25mm Dixon Shaman - I like the robes and natural leather equipment.

He carries a two-handed sword too!

Another view of the Shaman.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Glorfindel - The Lord of the Rings


I painted this figure recently. Glorfindel is an elven lord and is one of my favorite 
"minor" characters. I posted more photos of him on my historical blog and 

Glorfindel - Games Workshop LotR figure