Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dragon Magazine

Dragon Magazines

I hadn't looked at a Dragon magazine in 15+ years, but I read a few yesterday. I have a box of Dragon's
in my attic, but I still haven't pulled those out. These were given to me by my friend Chris W., who thought
I might like to look through them, and he was right! These were from the late 80's, which was a period where I was still playing a lot of AD&D. I started playing in probably 80' or 81' and played through about 1991 or so. I have only recently picked it up again.

It was definitely a trip down memory lane and it was cool to to reread articles from Gary Gygax, "Leomund's Tiny Hut" by Len Lakofka, and many others. I had a lot of flashbacks looking at ads for long gone gaming stores, like one of my all time favorites, "The Sword of the Phoenix" in Atlanta. It was the end of an era when they went out of business.

I also enjoyed looking at the ads and articles for some of the games I used to play or wished that I had played, like: Rolemaster (ICE), Skyrealms of Jorune, Bushido, Villains and Vigilantes (Fantasy Games Unlimited), Harn, Twilight 2000, early GW games like Battlecars and Golden Heroes, and Rune Quest.

The miniatures companies had some great adverts too. Those were the classic days of fantasy miniatures! I enjoyed looking at the ads for RAFM, Ral Partha (Tom Meier), Citadel, Broadsword, etc. I need to do this more often!

Dragon Magazines

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