Saturday, November 5, 2011

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - long live Gary Gygax!

So, after many years of NOT playing AD&D, this 40 something gamer Dad decided to get back into the game. I decided at the moment to keep things intimate, and just start playing with my sons. They are school age and are excatly the same age as me and my brother when we started gaming back in the 80's!

As far as rules go, I'm using what I like and what's most familiar to me, so we are using the old TSR Advanced D&D books pictured here. If Gary Gygax didn't write it and it didn't come out in the late 70's or early 80's....we won't be using it! I will be likely incorporating some old articles from Dragon magazines and maybe a few new D&D charts, weapons, etc., but for the most part I'm keeping it "old school".

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - these are the books we're
going to use in our campaign.

Some old miniatures painted by me back in the 80's! I think that's a Grenadier Storm Giant, a Ral Partha
3 headed "Stooge Troll", a Grenadier "Roman" orc, an Ogre Mage, and a few other 25mm figures. I recently made the ruin
out of some cardboard pieces and wedding cake columns. Old picture...but I used an effect to make it
look vintage.

Dwarves - I painted these as a kid in the 80's, and I still have most of my
figures. I always liked these figures,but I don't recall the manufacturer. Does anybody remember? Broadsword?
I always enjoyed the miniatures aspect of the hobby, so I will be posting quite a few more pictures of my old...some new.

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